I feel that we often get caught up in the busyness of daily life sometimes and through relationships and gossip we can often lose our sense of self. We may find ourselves questioning, ‘am I still me?’. Perhaps one thing that can shake us the most is other people’s perceptions of oneself. Deep down, I’m sure we’d all want to be seen as a good, honest and trustworthy person but in reality we can’t be that all of the time. We all make mistakes and it’s the owning up to that which is important. I will admit that I’ve made mistakes in the past and I am quite happy to own that. It’s when other people spread gossip or rumours which can result you not only finding out things about yourself you never knew before, but it may also make you feel angry as people may believe things about you that aren’t wholly the case. To add to that, it may not be appropriate to put the story straight either and so th saga continues.
This is why I mentioned about having a strong sense of self because no matter what, I’m sure people will talk about whatever you have been involved in at some point. It hurts to think that people have a different perception about you, but if you know the truth deep down you shouldn’t have to justify it. You know what has really happened and I feel if people took the time of day to use their ears more than their mouth then people would take the time to understand the truth behind some of the stories they hear. Of course this is easier said than done because sometimes what people hear is taken as gospel and that can causes issues with careers and relationships, for example.
At the end of the day, you have the same right to be on this planet as anyone else and you shouldn’t have to prove yourself to people just because someone’s heard something down the line. As long as you know yourself deep down, that’s what matters.