About me

Welcome to my mental health blog Relief From Anxiety.

My name's Amy, I'm 25, a first class honours Law graduate, currently working for the emergency services. 

I began my blog back in 2013 during a time when I had recently been diagnosed with anxiety and depression disorders. You can read more about my story, here. The aim of my blog is to provide advice and support to those through their recovery from my personal experience. 

You can find specific blog posts under the archives, popular blog posts and via the search bar. To be kept up date with when I publish blog posts, you can follow me on bloglovin, here. You're also more than welcome to email me for personal or PR purposes. I am also on twitter and instagram. All of my contact information can be found under the contact me tab. 

Best wishes and happy reading!

Note: I am not a doctor and anything I write is from my own and others' experiences. If you feel you are struggling, please make sure to see your doctor.


  1. I love your blog, its really inspiring
    I just rercently started my own blog that focuses a lot on anxiety, so please check it out if you have time have a great day xx


  2. Thank you! I am a person who is just being there own journey with figuring out my own anxiety. Where to go, who to tell, finding the proper doctor. I really am glad to have found your story as it is similar to my own in the aspects of how physically ill in relation to my anxiety. I am just finding your blog and used it as an example for a class on good informative blog posts. Thank you again.

  3. Hi Amy! I am Ariel. Currently Im writing a research paper on mental health and I came a cross your blog. Thank you for sharing apart of yourself with us this deeply. It means a lot to see people go through and overcome an event in their life that is hard to cope with.
