1. Physically
As mentioned before, anxiety can affect your body. For example, sickness, headache, your stomach, sleep, you can become irritable, fidgety, eating less or eating more etc. It changes for everyone. However the problem here is, some of these symptoms represent illness. Even though from the outside people know you are not ill, you can't help but question it yourself which can sometimes increase your anxiety and stop you from doing the things that you love.
2. Mentally
Anxiety is exhausting. From the minute you wake to the minute you go to sleep, it is with you. It often means not being able to do the things that you love and want to achieve in life and can make it difficult to complete the smallest of tasks. For someone who really wants to strive and do well in life, this is extremely difficult as you feel life is passing you by where as everyone else is out having fun and this mental barrier often leads to depression. Depression and anxiety come hand in hand; if you are depressed you often become anxious and vice versa. It can create a very debilitating lifestyle.
3. Relationships
Generally speaking people are really supportive, however there will be some arrogant people out there who are not.
Support is great but people can become tired. Some members of my family don't always understand and can lose their temper if I can't do something, where as othher people will just brush it off and be a bit insensitive with their ways. It can be exhausting looking after someone whom is constantly unwell, but that doesn't mean they don't want to support you.