I tell myself everyday, that today is going to be ok. - Angela Wood
Every time you give in to your fear and retreat, you are feeding the illness. Soldier on, it will boost your confidence! - BlueBelle
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain'. Sent by Gemma Sturgess.
"Nothing needs to be the end of the world". Anxiety makes this hard to believe, but it's true. - Lexie Mayhew
Do NOT start smoking - Mez Jones
"Live as if you are going to die tomorrow" - Sent by Mez Jones
Have the courage to be yourself, for many people are very understanding and supportive (most of the time!) - Dr Andrew K Black
Talk to a trusted person about your anxiety and emotions. Seek help sooner. Knowing others have the same helps - Dig-iT
Live life and be true to yourself. Get help with your depression and psychological help about all have fun and smile - Mitch Mitchell.
To my younger self - laugh often, be mentally/physically good to yourself, encourage others, pray - Generally anxious
A life of fear and avoidance leads to a small and unfulfilling life. Still fighting my way out after 20+ years if it. - Ian Hoadley
Read 'Peace is every step' by Thich Nhat Hanh - David Czekaj
However strong you are, we all have a tipping point. Don't beat yourself up. When you're at your lowest, the only way is up - Lisa.
"What you focus your attention on, grows. Remember the good times, laugh often and forgive
and let go of the past" - Sent by Kirsty Ellis.
Grab every opportunity, don't wait for it to happen or you'll still be sitting there when you get to my age. #havenoregrets - Weller is God
I would tell my younger self "You're allowed to not always be at your best. It's ok to fail, that's how you learn." Hugh Gallagher
All you need is awareness - Roger
Advice to my younger self "Have the guts to just be yourself, we are all different in so many
special ways" - Brian Daly
Instead of wasting energy on the things you can't change, accept them and focus on the things you can - Girly Girl
People who matter love you for who you are. Don't think about what others think, they don't matter - Stacy Leigh K
"Everything's going to be alright in the end, if it's not alright, it's not the end!" - Sent by Surena Chande
"Failure is a good thing. But once you've failed, there's nothing to be afraid of anymore" - Sent by Skye McAdams
"Whatever happens tomorrow, we've had today" Skye McAdams
Best wishes,